Sid & Benny

Sid and Benny were 2 of the dogs purchased at the puppy mill auction in April. (Aren’t we all getting a little tired of the horrible condition these dogs were in?) Both boys had sever periodontal disease and had to have all their teeth removed. Sid’s hindquarters were underdeveloped and both were scared and timid. 

Sid and Benny came to me a little scared and scruffy, and I my first reaction was sadness and a little mad too. It breaks my heart to think of these little souls going through life in captivity for nothing else but the almighty dollar. What I didn’t expect is that my heart, once somewhat broken, was soon mended with their little eyes and loving attitude – I am rewarded every day.

Benny 2 benny 1

Sid, surprisingly came to trust me almost immediately and I knew right away that I would never let him go! Benny has taken some time to trust, but now I find him standing on back paws for a nice pet and some lap time. They are both such calm little men, and doing well with potty training. I can imagine they did not go out much in their past life, but they have taken to it now and even go camping with me. I love to watch them run and play in the tall grass and swim in the river. I am so happy they are now experiencing all the things that should have been afforded to them from birth.

Benny coming in at half Sid’s weight is quite the little character; he does like to play, sometimes to Sid’s chagrin. He is also on a potty and food schedule and lets you know when he needs to go out and when it is time for dinner. Unfortunately the morning “schedule” is at 4:30 am, but I take it in stride – who can say no to a sweet face like that? Certainly not me!

While the foster home immediately knew that she would be adopting Sid, Benny took a little longer. 🙂 But she emailed me just this week and has decided that she can’t let him go. Both boys have found their forever home however, we’re still a little concerned about Sid. His mom informed me this week (in the same email that she told me she wanted to adopt Benny) that they think he may be losing his hearing. It takes a special person to take in dogs like Sid and Benny. Knowing what they have been through and that there may be struggles ahead. Yet another reason I love working with Last Hope! To help us keep up the tradition of helping dogs like Sid & Benny donate today at 

crystal sig

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